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  • Ranganathan, S. R. (1931 ). The Five Laws of Library and Information Services. Bombay: Asia Publishing House.


  • Ravichandra Rao, I. K. (1983). Quantitative methods for library and information science. New York: Halstead.


  • Rea, J. W. (1998). A Core Collection Strategy for Protecting Undergraduate Education at a Comprehensive University. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, March,  145-150.


  • Regos Varela, X. A. (1999). Programa de gestión y desarrollo de colecciones en una biblioteca universitaria (I): Aportaciones a su definición y metodología. En Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, 57. Disponible en: http://eprints.rclis.org/3228/1/baaab57a4.pdf [Consulta: 26/03/2009].


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  • Rehman, S. U., y Bashir, S. (1993). Comparative Measurement of Book Availability in Academic Libraries. International Information & Library Review , 25, 183-193.


  • Rementería, P. A. (2002). El sistema bibliotecario universitario chileno y el acceso a la información: Las Bibliotecas del Consejo de Rectores de las Universidades Chilenas en la Sociedad de la Información. Santiago de Chile: CABID.


  • Research Libraries Group. (1981). RLG collection development manual (2nd. ed.). Stanford, Cal.: Research Libraries Group.


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  • Rodger, E.M. (1987). The evaluation of library and information services in times of economic restraint: The university view. Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, 39(11-12), 349-354.


  • Samson, S. et al. (2004). Networked Resources, Assessment and Collection Development. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 30(6), 476-481.


  • Sandison, A. (1974). Density of use, and absence of obsolescence in physics journals at MIT. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 25,3, 172-182.


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  • Sargent, S. H. (1979). The uses and limitations of Trueswell. College and Research Libraries, 40, 416-423.


  • Satoh, Y., Nagata, H., Kytömäki, P., y Gerrard, S. (2005). Evaluation of the university library service quality: Analysis through focus group interviews. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 6(3), 183-193.


  • Schmidt, K. A. (1999). Understanding the business of library acquisitions. Chicago, London: American Library Association.


  • Selth, J. et al. (1992). The use of books within the library. College and Research Libraries, 53, 197-205.


  • Setien Quesada, E. (1998 ). Modelación matemática de bibliotecas en desarrollo. Investigación Bibliotecológica, 12(24), 41-48.


  • Shiue, Y. C., y Guo, G. M. (2005). A method to build core article ranked lists in interdisciplinary department and journal.  Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences,  313-328.


  • Shaw, W. M., Jr. (1978). A practical journal usage technique. College and Research Libraries, 39, 479-484.


  • Shreeves, E. (1997). Is there a future for cooperative collection development in the digital age? (Resource Sharing in a Changing Environment). Library Trends, 45(3), 373- .


  • Silverstein, C. (1996). Predicting invididual book use for off-site storage using decision trees. Library Quarterly, 63(3), 266-293.


  • Sowole, I. A. (1995). Collection Development at the University of Agriculture Library, Abeokuta, (UNAAB) Nigeria. International Information & Library Review, 27, 383-391.


  • Spencer, J. S., y Millson-Martula, C. (2006). Serials cancellations in college and small university libraries: The national scene. Serials Librarian, 49(4), 135-151.


  • Sylvia, M. J. (1998). Citation analysis as an unobtrusive method for journal collection evaluation using psychology student research bibliographies. Collection Building, 17(1), 20-28.



  • Thornton, G. A. (2004). Impact of Electronic Resources on Collection Development, the Roles of Librarians, and Library Consortia. Library Trends, 48(4), 842-856.


  • Titus, E. M. (1994). Barcoding as a tool for collection use analysis : A pilot proyect.  Information Technology and Libraries, 13, 257-265.


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  • Ward, S. M. et al. (2003). Collection development based on patron requests: collaboration between interlibrary loan and acquisitions. Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services, 27, 203-213.


  • Weaver, P. (1999). A Student-Centered, Classroom-Based Approach to Collection Building. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 25(3), 202-210.


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  • Weitzel, S. R. (2006). Elaboração de uma política de desenvolvimento de coleções em bibliotecas universitárias. Rio de Janeiro: Interciência.


  • White, H. (1995). Brief tests for collection evaluation Strength: A Methodology for All Types of Libraries. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


  • Whitmire, E. (2002). Academic library performance measures and undergraduates' library use and educational outcomes. Library and Information Science Research, 24(2), 107-128.


  • Winkworth, I. (1991). Stock management and disposal : Collection building and demolition. M. B. Line (ed.), Academic Library Management . Chicago: American Library Association.


  • Wyllys, R. E. (1978). On the Analysis of Growth Rates of Library Collections and Expenditures. Collection Management, 2(2), 115-128.


  • Yarman, D. L. (2004). Collection overlap analysis: sharing more. Tesis doctoral, A Master's Research Paper submitted to the Kent State University School of Library and Information Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Library and Information Science.


  • Youngen, G. K. (1999). Using current awareness search results to measure a journal collection's relevancy. Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services, 23(2), 141-148.


  • Zipf, G. K. (1935). The Psychobiology of Language. Houghton-Mifflin.


  • Zipp, L.S. (1996). Thesis and Dissertation Citations as Indicators of Faculty Research Use of University Library Journal Collections. Library Resources and Technical Services, 40(4), 335-342.
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