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  • Abad García, M. F. (2005). Evaluación de la calidad de los sistemas de información. Madrid: Síntesis.


  • Aguilar, W. (1986). The application of relative use and ILL demand in collection development. Collection Management, 8(1), 15-24.
  • Al-Fares, H. K. (1998). Optimizing a library's loan policy: An integer programming approach. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(13), 1167-1176.


  • Alonso Arévalo, J., Echeverría Cubillas, M. J., y Martín Cerro, S. (1999). La gestión de las bibliotecas universitarias: indicadores para su evaluación. Seminario sobre Indicadores en la universidad: información y decisiones (pp. 1-12).  Disponible en: http://eprints.rclis.org/492/1/Indicadores.pdf


  • Atilgan, D., y Bayram, O. G. (2006). An Evaluation of Faculty Use of the Digital Library at Ankara University, Turkey. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 32(1), 86-93.


  • Bailey, T. P. (2006). Electronic Book Usage at a Master’s Level I University: A Longitudinal Study. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 32(1), 52–59.


  • Baird, B. J. (2004). Library Collection Assesment through statistical sampling. Maryland: Scarecrow Press.


  • Beheshti, J., Tague, J. M. (1984). Morse's Markov model of book use revisited. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 35(5), 259-267.


  • Beile, P. M. et al. (2004). A Microscope or a Mirror?: A Question of Study Validity Regarding the Use of Dissertation Citation Analysis for Evaluating Research Collections. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 30(5), 347-353.


  • Bergman, B. J., y Laskowski, M. S. (2004). Academic media center collection development and circulation policies: a comparative analysis. College and University Media Review,  85-118.


  • Bevis, M. D., y Graham, J. B. (2003). The Evolution of an Integrated Electronic Journals Collection. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 24 (2), 115–119.


  • Biblarz, D., Bosch, S., y Sugnet, C. (2001). Guide to library user needs assessment for integrated information resource management and collection development. Lanham: The Scarecrow Press.


  • Blake, J. C., y Schleper, S. P. (2004). From data to decisions: Using surveys and statistics to make collection management decisions. Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services, 28, 460-464.


  • Bland, R. N. (1980). The college textbook as a tool for collection evaluation, analysis, and retrospective collection development. Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory, 4(3-4), 193-197.


  • Bodi, S., y Maier-O’Shea, K. (2005). The Library of Babel: Making Sense of Collection Management in a Postmodern World. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(2), 143-150.


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  • Borrego, A., y Urbano, C. (2005). Estadísticas e indicadores de rendimiento de colecciones y servicios bibliotecarios de carácter electrónico: estudio de caso de las revistas electrónicas. Statistics and performance indicators for electronic library collections and services: a case study of electronic journals. Profesional De La Informacion, 14(1), 30-38.


  • Boza Puerta, M., y Olmedo Granados, G. (1998). Se adaptan los fondos de mi biblioteca a las necesidades de los usuarios ? : Un método objetivo de evaluación de colecciones en una biblioteca científica. VI Jornadas Espoñolas de Documentación.


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  • Britten, W. A. (1990). A use statistic for collection management: The 80/20 rule revisited. Library Adquisitions, 14, 183-189.


  • Brooks, S. (2001). Integration of information resources and collection development strategy. Journal of Academic Librarianship,  316-319.


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  • Carpenter, D., y Getz, M. (1995). Evaluation of library resources in the field of economics : A case study. Collection Management, 20(1-2), 49-89.


  • Carrigan, D. P. (1996). Collection Development - Evaluation. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 22(4), 273-278.
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  • Davis, P. M. (2002). Patterns in Electronic Journal Usage: Challenging the Composition of Geographic Consortia. College & Research Libraries, November.


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  • Dennison, R. F. (2000). Quality assessment of collection development through tiered checklists: can you prove you are a good collection developer? Collection Building, 19(1), 24-26.


  • Derfert-Wolf, L., Górski, M. M., y Marcinek, M. (2004). Management based on reliable comparative data. Library statistics and performance indicators. A common project of Polish research libraries. IATUL Proceedings, 14, 11-24.


  • Dobson, C. et al. (1996). Collection evaluation for interdisciplinary fields: a comprehensive approach. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 22(4), 279-284.


  • Dowlin, K. y Magrath, L. (1983). Beyond the numbers -a decision support system. En: Library Automation as a Source of Management Information; ed.
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  • Ebersole, W. D. (1999). Using online catalogs to evaluate science collections for a group of institutions. Science and Technology Libraries,  105-113.
  • Egghe, L., y Goovaerts, M. (2006). A note on measuring overlap . Journal of Information Science.
  • Enright, B. et al. (1989). Selection for survival : a review of acquisition and retention policies. London: The British Library.


  • Enssle, H. R., y Wilde, M. L. (2002). So you have to cancel journals? Statistics that help. Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services, 26, 259–281.


  • Ephraim, P. E. (1994). A review of qualitative and quantitative measures in collection analysis. Electronic Library,  237-242.
  • Evans, G. E. (1995). Developing library and information center collections  (3rd ed.). Englewood: Libraries Unlimited.


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  • Fang, C. (2005). Statistical evaluation of university libraries in China. Vine, 35(4), 221-229.


  • Ford, G. (1991). Acquisitions : books. Line, M. B. (Ed.), Academic Library Management . Chicago: American Library Association.


  • Foudy, G., y McManus, A. (2005). Using a Decision Grid Process to Build Consensus in Electronic Resources Cancellation Decisions. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(6), 533–538.


  • Fuchs, B. E. et al. (2006). Behavioral Citation Analysis: Toward Collection Enhancement for Users. College and Research Libraries, 67(4), 304-324.


  • Fuentes Romero, J. J. (1999). Evaluación de bibliotecas y centros de información. Gijón: Ediciones Trea.


  • Fuentes Romero, J. J. (2010). La colección de materiales en las bibliotecas. Madrid: Arco/Libros.



  • Fussler, H. H., y Simon, J. L. (1961). Patters in the use of books in large research libraries. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.



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