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Desarrollo de colecciones


  • Bergman, B. J., y Laskowski, M. S. (2004). Academic media center collection development and circulation policies: a comparative analysis. College and University Media Review,  85-118.


  • Biblarz, D., Bosch, S., y Sugnet, C. (2001). Guide to library user needs assessment for integrated information resource management and collection development. Lanham: The Scarecrow Press.


  • Bodi, S., y Maier-O’Shea, K. (2005). The Library of Babel: Making Sense of Collection Management in a Postmodern World. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(2), 143-150.


  • Brooks, S. (2001). Integration of information resources and collection development strategy. Journal of Academic Librarianship,  316-319.


  • Calenge, B. (1994). Les politiques d’acquisition; constituer une collection dans une bibliothčque. Paris: Cercle de la Librairie.


  • Chu, F. T. (1997). Librarian-Faculty Relations in Collection Development. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 23, 15-20.


  • Enright, B. et al. (1989). Selection for survival: a review of acquisition and retention policies. London: The British Library. 


  • Evans, G. E. (1995). Developing library and information center collections. Englewood: Libraries Unlimited. 


  • Evans, G. E. (2005). Developing library and information center collections. Englewood: Libraries Unlimited.


  • Ford, G. (1991). Acquisitions: books. En Line, M. B. (Ed.). Academic Library Management. Chicago: American Library Association. 


  • Fuentes Romero, J. J. (2010). La colección de materiales en las bibliotecas. Madrid: Arco/Libros.


  • Gaudet, F., y Lieber, C. (2000). El expurgo en la biblioteca. Madrid: ANABAD.


  • Gorman, G. E., y Millar, R. H. (1996). Collection management for the 21st. Century; a Handbook for Librarians. Westport, London: Greenwood Press. 


  • Krueger, K. (1983). Coordinated Cooperative Collection Development for Illinois Libraries. Springfield, Illinois State Library. 3 vols.


  • Hanford, P. H. (1980). Toward a theory of collection development. Collection Development in Libraries: A treatise, Part B . Greenwich: JAI Press. 


  • Herzog, S. (2004). Collection Development Challenges for the 21st Century Academic Librarian. The Acquisitions Librarian, 31/32, 149-162. 


  • Horava, T. (2005). A New Approach to Faculty-Librarian Collaboration: A "New Professors' Fund" for Collection Development. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(5), 482-485. 


  • Jenkins, C., y Morley, M. (1991). Collection mangement in academic libraries. Worcester: Gower.


  • Johnson, P. (2004) Fundamentals of collection development and management. Chicago: American Library Association.


  • Lee, D. C., y Lockway, L. A. Using an online comprehensive library management system in collection development. Collection Management, 14(3-4), 61-73. 


  • Lee, H. L. (2000). What is a collection. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(12), 1107-1113. 


  • Lee, H. (2003). Collection Development as a Social Process. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 29 (1), 23-31. 


  • Lewis, J. S., y McDonald, J.D. (2002). Defining an undergraduate core journal collection. Serials Librarian,  45-59. 


  • Lugo, J. F. (1999). Manual para el desarrollo de colecciones en bibliotecas universitarias de Venezuela y el mundo. Caracas.


  • MacDougall, A. F. (1991). Acquisitions: Journals. Line, M.B. (Ed.). Academic Library Management. Chicago: American Library Association. 


  • Mack, D. C. (2004). Collection development policies: new directions for changing collections. Portal: Libraries and the Academy,  435-436.


  • Meneses, G., y Vignau, B. S. S. (2005). Collection development policies in university libraries: a space for reflection. Collection Building, 24(1), 35-43. 


  • Mount, E. (1986). Weeding of collections in sci-tech libraries. New York, London: The Haworth Press. 


  • Negrete Gutiérrez, M. d. C., y Calva González, J. J. (1996). Desarrollo de colecciones y diseño de servicios. México: UNAM. 


  • Negrete Gutiérrez, M. C. (2003). El concepto de desarrollo de colecciones. En Negrete Gutiérrez, M.C. El desarrollo de colecciones y la selección de recursos en la biblioteca universitaria(pp.3-15). México: CUIB, UNAM.


  • Osburn, C. B., y Atkinson, R. (1991). Collection management; a new treatise. London : JAI Press. 


  • Rea, J. W. (1998). A Core Collection Strategy for Protecting Undergraduate Education at a Comprehensive University. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, March,  145-150. 


  • Regos Varela, X. A. (1999). Programa de gestión y desarrollo de colecciones en una biblioteca universitaria (I): Aportaciones a su definición y metodología. Boletín De La Asociación Andaluza De Bibliotecarios, 57.  Disponible en: http://eprints.rclis.org/3228/1/baaab57a4.pdf 


  • Regos Varela, X. A. (2000). Programa de gestión y desarrollo de colecciones en una biblioteca universitaria (II): Políticas de gestión de colecciones. Boletín De La Asociación Andaluza De Bibliotecarios, 58.  Disponible en: http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/3222/1/baaab58a3.pdf 


  • Rementería, P. A. (2002). El sistema bibliotecario universitario chileno y el acceso a la información: Las Bibliotecas del Consejo de Rectores de las Universidades Chilenas en la Sociedad de la Información. Santiago de Chile: CABID. Disponible en: http://cabid.ucv.cl/files/documentos/CABID1.pdf


  • Research Libraries Group. (1981). RLG collection development manual (2nd ed.). Stanford: Research Libraries Group. 


  • Samson, S. et al. (2004). Networked Resources, Assessment and Collection Development. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 30(6), 476-481. 


  • Sanz Casado, E. (1994). Manual de estudios de usuarios. Madrid: Fundación Germán Sanchez Ruiperéz.


  • Sanz Casado, E., y Martín Moreno, C. (1997). Técnicas bibliométricas aplicadas a los estudios de usuarios. Revista General De Información y Documentación, 7(2), 41-68.


  • Schmidt, K. A. (1999). Understanding the business of library acquisitions. Chicago: American library Association. 


  • Sowole, I. A. (1995). Collection Development at the University of Agriculture Library, Abeokuta, (UNAAB) Nigeria. International Information & Library Review, 27, 383-391. 


  • Weitzel, S. R. (2006). Elaboração de uma política de desenvolvimento de coleções em bibliotecas universitárias. Rio de Janeiro: Interciência.


  • Winkworth, I. (1991). Stock management and disposal : Collection building and demolition. Line, M.B. (Ed.). Academic Library Management. Chicago: American Library Association.


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